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Do You Pay Taxes in Texas When You Sell Your Home? - Featured image

Do You Pay Taxes in Texas When You Sell Your Home?

Understanding the tax implications when selling a house in Texas is crucial. While Texas boasts no state income tax, which can be a significant relief for homeowners, federal tax obligations still apply. 

This overview will help you navigate the essential aspects, ensuring you are prepared for any tax responsibilities with your home sale.

What Are the Taxes on Selling a Home in Texas?

Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains refer to the profit from selling an asset for more than its purchase price. In real estate, this means the difference between your home’s selling price and its original cost, plus any improvements made over the years.

Types of Capital Gains

Two types of capital gains tax apply to property:

1. Short-Term Capital Gains

2. Long-Term Capital Gains

Do You Pay Taxes on a Home Sale?

Short-Term Capital Gains

If you happen to sell a property that you have possessed for less than 365 days, the earnings are deemed short-term capital gains. These profits incur taxes at the standard income tax rate, which may be notably higher than long-term capital rates.

Long-Term Capital Gains

When you possess a property for over a year, its earnings are treated as long-term capital gains. The taxation on such profits is lower and varies according to your income level, filing status, and any exemptions. Generally speaking, these tax rates for long-term capital gains fluctuate between 0% to 20%.

How to Be Exempt from Capital Gains Tax?

a man signing documents

Exemption Criteria

To avoid capital gains tax when selling your home, you need to meet specific criteria:

  • Primary Residence Requirement: The home must be your primary residence.
  • Ownership and Residency Duration: You must have owned and lived in the home for at least two of the past five years before the sale.
  • Profit Limits: The exemption applies to profits up to $250,000 for individual filers and $500,000 for joint filers.

Claiming the Exemption

  • One-Time Use Rule: You must not have claimed the capital gains tax exemption on another property in the last two years.

How Much Are Capital Gains in Texas?

Income-Based Tax Rates

Capital gain tax rates are determined by your income level, and here’s how they break down:

  • No Capital Gains Tax in Texas: If your taxable income is below $39,375 for individual filers or $78,750 for married couples filing jointly, you will not have to pay capital gains tax.
  • 15% Capital Gains Tax: For taxable income between $39,376 and $434,550 (individual) or $78,751 and $488,850 (married filing jointly), the capital gains tax rate is 15%.
  • 20% Capital Gains Tax: If your income exceeds $434,550 (individual) or $488,850 (married filing jointly), the capital gains tax rate rises to 20%.

These rates only apply to long-term capital gains, which are profits from the sale of assets held for more than a year. For short-term capital gains, the tax rate is the same as your ordinary income tax rate, which can be significantly higher.

Federal Tax Implications

Texas has no state capital gains tax, making it an appealing place for homeowners. However, federal capital gains taxes still apply. This means that regardless of your income level or the profit from your home sale, you only need to consider federal taxes without any additional state-level tax burden.

Additionally, this can result in substantial savings, particularly for high-income earners who might face hefty state capital gains taxes elsewhere. Understanding these tax rates and implications can help you plan effectively for your home sale, ensuring you know what to expect and can manage your finances accordingly.

What About Property Taxes?

a man holding house in hand

Ongoing Property Tax Obligations

In Texas, property taxes are a significant consideration for homeowners. The state’s property tax rate varies by location, but the average annual property tax rate is around 1.81% of the property’s assessed value. If your home is valued at $300,000, you can expect to pay approximately $5,430 yearly in property taxes. 

As a homeowner, you are responsible for paying property taxes until the sale of your home is finalized. This includes any outstanding taxes up to the closing date. Ensuring these payments are up to date is crucial, as unpaid property taxes can complicate the sale process.

Impact of Delays in Closing

If the closing of your home sale is delayed, you will continue to be responsible for property tax obligations during this period. Any delay can extend your financial responsibility, potentially leading to additional costs. It’s essential to account for this possibility when planning your sale and to communicate with your real estate agent and potential buyers to minimize delays.

How Can I Avoid Taxes Altogether?

You can reinvest profits from selling real estate into another qualifying property. 

If you want to bypass the typical complexities of selling your home through traditional methods, selling to a cash home buyer or a real estate investor could be an excellent option. 

This approach can simplify the process, minimize delays, and reduce the financial stress associated with home sales. It won’t eliminate taxes, but it can reduce the fees you pay, offsetting them.

Advantages of Selling to Real Estate Investors

Speed and Simplicity

One of the most significant advantages of selling your home to a real estate investor is the speed of the transaction. Traditional home sales can be lengthy, often taking several months from listing to closing. This process involves staging the home, scheduling showings, negotiating with potential buyers, and waiting for mortgage approvals.

On the other hand, cash buyers can make an offer on a property within 24 to 48 hours of viewing it and complete the sale in as little as a week. This quick turnaround can be especially advantageous if you must sell your home promptly due to financial constraints, relocation, or other urgent circumstances.

No Repairs Needed

When selling through traditional methods, homeowners frequently need to invest in repairs and upgrades to make their property appealing to buyers. This can include fixing structural issues, updating outdated fixtures, or even cosmetic improvements like painting and landscaping. These repairs can be time-consuming and costly, potentially delaying the sale and reducing your net proceeds.

Real estate investors typically purchase properties as-is, meaning they accept the home in its current condition without requiring any repairs or improvements. This saves you money and spares you the hassle of managing renovations.

Furthermore, cash buyers often offer more flexibility regarding closing dates and other aspects of the sale. This can be particularly useful if you must align the sale with different events, such as moving to a new home, starting a new job, or managing a family situation. The ability to tailor the transaction to your needs can make the entire process much smoother and more convenient.

Quick Closing

The closing process in a traditional home sale can be complicated and prolonged, often taking 30 to 60 days or more to complete. It involves multiple steps, including home inspections, appraisals, and securing financing, each of which can introduce potential delays and complications.

In contrast, cash buyers have readily available funds, eliminating the need for mortgage approval and the associated risks of financing falling through. This ability to close quickly can be a significant advantage, providing you with the proceeds from the sale in a much shorter timeframe and helping you avoid ongoing costs like property taxes and maintenance.


No Additional Fees or Taxes Beyond the Sale Offer

Traditional home sales come with various fees and costs that can affect your profits. These include real estate agent commissions (typically 5 to 6% of the sale price), closing costs (ranging from 2 to 5% of the sale price), and other miscellaneous fees. Additionally, you may have to pay capital gains taxes depending on your profit and how long you have owned the home.

Selling to a cash buyer can simplify the financial aspects of the transaction. The offer is usually the amount you get, as most cash buyers cover closing costs and do not charge commissions. This transparency can make it easier to understand your net proceeds and plan accordingly.

Avoiding the Complexities and Delays of Traditional Sales

Traditional home sales are fraught with potential pitfalls and delays. From buyers backing out at the last minute to financing issues and prolonged negotiations, many factors can complicate the sale and extend the timeline. Selling to a cash home buyer can streamline the process significantly.

Cash buyers are often more flexible and can work around your schedule, allowing for a smoother and more predictable transaction. This can be particularly beneficial if you face time-sensitive situations, such as avoiding foreclosure or needing to move quickly for a new job.

Eliminating Ongoing Property Tax Obligations

The ongoing property tax obligation is an often overlooked aspect of selling a home. Until the sale is finalized, you remain responsible for property taxes. If your home sits on the market for an extended period, these taxes can increase your overall expenses. A quick sale to a cash buyer helps you avoid these additional costs as you transfer ownership (and the associated tax responsibilities) much sooner.

Stress Reduction

The traditional home selling process can be incredibly stressful, involving numerous steps, negotiations, and uncertainties. Selling to a cash buyer reduces this stress by simplifying the process and providing a clear, quick path to completion. This peace of mind can be invaluable, especially when dealing with other life changes or financial pressures.

Avoiding Market Fluctuations

Real estate markets can be unpredictable, with property values fluctuating due to various factors. By selling to a cash buyer, you can avoid the risks associated with market changes and secure a guaranteed sale price. This can be especially beneficial in a volatile market where waiting for the “right” buyer could lead to prolonged uncertainty and potential financial loss.


When selling a home in Texas, it is important to know the tax obligations involved. Key points include understanding the federal capital gains tax liability, potential exemptions, and ongoing property tax responsibilities until the sale is finalized. To navigate these complexities, seeking professional tax advice tailored to your situation is highly recommended.

Contact A-List Properties 

Selling to a cash home buyer can simplify the process, offering benefits such as quick closings, no need for repairs, and avoiding additional fees and taxes. For a hassle-free experience, consider A List Properties as the perfect option to sell your house for cash in Texas. With their expertise, you can ensure a smooth and efficient transaction!

Sell My House Fast Texas | We Buy Houses Texas

Zach Shelley

Zach Shelley is a seasoned real estate investor with a diverse network spanning across the nation. As the founder of his own real estate venture, Zach is committed to offering innovative solutions to homeowners facing various real estate challenges.. Through his dedication and strategic approach, Zach continues to make a significant impact in the real estate industry, providing homeowners with alternative pathways to navigate their property transactions.

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